Whats Brewing – Yeovil Episode 9
What is Brewing? Episode 9 with the rollerblading lads out in Yeovil, that’s what is brewing! Starting with a warm up at Yew Tree Skatepark then heading out to the Southern UK streets for some more antics and action!
Featuring; Billy Murton, Niko Salaman, Chris Leaver, Matt Brown, Matt Woods, Tom Bowman, Stu Nolan, Stephen Riddick, Ollie Jones, Sam Davis, Dex Mackie and Mitchell Cawte. Brought to you by Mark Worner!
“Welcome back once again this time around we hit up somewhere local to me Yeovil, Somerset yet again the turn out of people was really good its nice to see this bringing people back together for just a day of skating and laughs.This feature’s Niko Salaman, Chris Leaver, Matt Brown, Matt Woods, Tom Bowman, Stu Nolan, Stephen Riddick, Ollie Jones, Sam Davis, Dex Mackie and Mitchell Cawte. Enjoy! Spot 1 Yew Tree Skatepark 00:23 Spot 2 Corner Rail 08:31 Spot 3 Diy Industrial 12:41 Spot 4 Industrial estate 18:47 Spot 5 Octogan Theatre 20:16 Spot 6 Bank to wall 23:05 Spot 7 High street ledge 24:08 Spot 8 Aldi curve curb 26:34 Outro 27:47 Don’t forget to check out the blower! Lino!” – Mark Worner

Mark Worner
Nidstang – The World On Wheels. © Roll Without Limits.