Over the last two years Sean Burns has been throwing down some ridiculous hammers in the streets, shredding roof tops, huge gaps and just being an absolute unit on a BMX!
Getting hit by cars, breaking his hand, spraining his ankle and if that’s not enough, the Eclat Pro Rider broke his Spine during the last clip, coming off a two-story roof and landing on a rock! He said at the time of the accident that he couldn’t feel his pelvis at all.
Absolute madness! You know this is an edit to watch again and again.

Before this accident though, Sean got all of this amazing footage and blended it together into this rad video part for you all!
How RAD was that?! Our favourite part was the Tree Ride to Double Peg the rail, but those roof top drops are crayyyy!
The surgeons said he may be paralyzed from the waist down but after his operation (Spinal Lumbar Fusion Surgery) they were able to get him walking again, although he has a long recovery ahead and a lot of physiotherapy to attend. Sean is making a slow and steady recovery but still has some heavy medical bills to pay for, if Sean’s video parts over the years have inspired your riding in any way or you just feel like helping the dude out you can check out his Go Fund Me page to help him pay for the bills, even just one dollar/pound/euro helps:
“Eclat BMX: BURNS! Filmed over the past two years, ECLAT PRO and BMX street legend Sean Burns comes through with a banger filled video part of leather-clad roof drops, high-speed gaps, and full-throttle madness. Sean, unfortunately, was injured during the process of filming this video, and although he’s made a remarkable recovery and is making extreme progress, he still needs our help with his medical bills and rehab support. A link to his go-fund me can be found above. All the love and support you can give Sean would be greatly appreciated. Burns truly is a man of steel and we cant wait to see him back on the steed and eyeing up the next deadman roof gap in the near future…
Filmed by Darryl Tocco, Lee Hopkins, Albie Bennett, Ryan Navazio, Josh Delarosa, Ryan Lamont, Jeremy Rodriguez, Dan Coller, Robby Nelson, Joyce Gomez
Edited by Sean Burns
Music – Pawns -Monuments Of Faith”
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